Linggo, Hulyo 21, 2013

Power of Pinterest for small businesses

Get on the pinterest bandwagon

In between the heavy usage and still growing usage of Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest another social media site based on sharing interesting content from all over the internet by the user and to his / her5 followers. Pinterest is also growing in accounts in terms of Filipinos trooping there.

What this means for you, the dear small business owner is that Pinterest is open for business!

HOW Small Businesses can make the most of Pinterest

1. Business Coordinates

Once you start pining and gain a following, don't forget to include your contact details plus your website URL. Makes it easier for your coordinates to be visible when your content or pins are shared by your followers. 

2. Promote your site

Don't be lazy and be creative. These are your products that you are promoting, so spare some photos and do not share generic photos that we see all over the internet. Original and creative photos drive interest, visitors from your pins and potential sales.

3. Awesome Images = WIN
Pinterest is  all about good imagery and vivid visuals. Again, don't be tempted to save time and use photos found all over the internet. Instead, take the extra mile and do it yourself. Be creative with the images, maybe hire a professional photographer and give it an artistic take based on what inspire you. Creativity and powerful expression goes a long way.

4. Be Searchable

Don't forget to use them hashtags! Example #Spring2013Fashion. Try to post something about trends or what is trending. Use it to motivate your pins' artistic take. Hashtags are tagging for what your content contains or expresses.

5. Follow also

It is not always about you and your brand. Add the human touch and remember to follow interesting people based on your industry and your products. Follow your most avid customers. Follow your partners. You will be more visible that way.

6. Use other social media accounts

Pinterest alone is good, but you can reach out wider with a facebook page and a twitter account. Remember to cross promote in a meaningful take. Pinterest behavior is different from the ones in facebook and twitter. Pinterest is about imagery and conveying an expression. Facebook is essentially communicating with your audience and twitter is being concise. Don't be lazy and copy-paste what you wrote on pinterest towards facebook and others, be creative.

7. Be Active

Once you roll out good pins, don't stop. Keep on pinning with artistic creativity. Your reputation and followers will grow over time. Pinterest is all about passion.

Pinterest is also for fashion

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